Our first trip away with Ella and I could not have been more excited. IT. WAS. A. NIGHTMARE.
Everything fell apart. Ella refused to nurse. Naps were a hot mess. And our usually predictable nights went totally haywire.
She cried, I cried. A week-long trip ended abruptly - I just wanted to go home. I sat in the backseat and stared at my now soundly asleep [exhausted] babe and felt totally inadequate.
We started our journey with a sleep consultant three days later.
It was a game-changer.
We followed our handcrafted sleep plan, and things fell into place - fast. All along Ella was telling me EXACLTY when she was tired, I just had no clue.
Being a new parent is a tough gig, and there is no one perfect way to get the job done. But, as we do our absolute best to navigate this path we are likely falling into some patterns. Patterns that over time become barriers to allowing our babe’s the space they need for successful independent sleep.
Is the recipe to sleep top secret? Nope. But what you do need is an effective plan, unwavering support through the process, to celebrate the small victories, and give that mom’fidence [or dad!] a big ol’ boost.
You got this. We got this. Let’s get a good night's sleep back on the table, shall we?